
Saturday, April 16, 2005

My husband has been abducted by aliens...

or, Never let your husband sleep in as you don't know what you'll get for dinner that night.

My husband must have been half asleep or abducted by aliens cuz tonight was definitely not one of his finer moments when it comes to dinner. It started off with milk that was curdled into cottage cheese (a horrible thing to have in your mouth), followed by dry tough chicken (not his fault, it was a microwave variety), and topped off with a rotten plum.

Thinking I was going to have to starve for the night, yet afraid to dive into the rest of my lunch I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and go for it. The rest of my lunch/dinner was up to his usual wonderful performance. I had a great spinach salad with sun dried tomatoes, crumbled cheese, etc., fruit cocktail, some nuts, and two (count them, two) Andes Mints. Down to the vending machines for a Dr. Pepper and I was all set.


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